AKC  Standards
1901                                                 1935                                        1978 - present
Character - Gay and assertive, but chary of strangers. Character -  Gay and assertive, but chary of strangers.


Size.  About l0 in. or 11 in. height at shoulder for dogs, and 9 in. or l0 in. for bitches."  Size - Variable but about 10 inches or 11 inches at shoulder for dogs, bitches slightly smaller. Size - Variable, but about 10 or 11 inches at the shoulder for dogs, bitches slightly smaller. 
Head.  Distinctly Terrierlike. Skull narrow, falling away behind the eyes in a marked degree, not quite flat, but not domed or apple shaped. Fore face of fair length, strong in front of the eyes, the nose, large, prominent and pointed, not depressed; a square muzzle is objectionable. The stop, size for size, about that of a Skye Terrier. Head - Heavy head furnishings with good fall over eyes, good whiskers and beard; skull narrow, falling away behind the eyes in a marked degree, not quite flat, but not domed or apple-shaped; straight foreface of fair length. Nose black, about 1 1/2 inches long, or the length from tip of nose to eye to be roughly about one-third of the total length from nose to back of skull. Head - Heavy head furnishings with good fall over eyes, good whiskers and beard; skull narrow, falling away behind the eyes in a marked degree, not quite flat, but not domed or apple shaped; straight foreface of fair length. Nose black, the length from tip of nose to eye to be roughly about one third of the total length from nose to back of skull.
Mouth.  Quite level, but of the two a slightly overshot mouth is preferable to an undershot one. The teeth are somewhat smaller than would be expected in a Terrier of the size. In this respect, the breed seems to suffer to an extraordinary degree from cankered teeth. I have never yet seen an imported specimen with a sound mouth. Mouth and Muzzle - Mouth level, otherwise slightly undershot preferable. Muzzle of medium length; a square muzzle is objectionable. Mouth and Muzzle -The preferred bite is either level or slightly undershot.  Muzzle of medium length; a square muzzle is objectionable.
Ears.  Set on low, and carried close to the cheeks, similar to the ears of a dropeared Skye.

Eyes.  Neither very large and full nor very small and sunk, dark brown in colour.

Ears - Pendant, heavily feathered. 

Eyes - Dark brown, neither very large and full, nor very small and sunk. 


Ears Pendant, heavily feathered

- Dark brown, neither very large and full, nor very small and sunk. 
Legs and Feet.  The fore legs should be straight. In all short legged breeds there is a tendency to crookedness, but the straighter the legs the better. There should be good bone. Owing to the heavy coat the legs look, and should look, very heavy in bone, but in reality, the bone is not heavy. It should be round and of good strength right down to the toes, the less ankle the better. The hocks should be particularly well let down. Feet should be round and catlike, with good pads. Legs - Forelegs straight; both forelegs and hind legs heavily furnished with hair.

Feet - well feathered, should be round and catlike, with good pads. 

Legs - Forelegs straight; both forelegs and hindlegs heavily furnished with hair. 

Feet: Well feathered; should be round and catlike with good pads.

Body.  There is a tendency in England to look for a level top and a short back. All the best specimens have a slight arch at the loin and the back should not be too short; it should be considerably longer than the height at the withers. The dog should be well ribbed up, with a strong loin and well developed quarters and thighs. Body Shape - The length from point of shoulders to point of buttocks longer than height at withers, well ribbed up, strong loin, welldeveloped quarters and thighs. Body Shape - The length from the point of shoulders to point of buttocks longer than height at withers, well ribbed up, strong loin well developed quarters and thighs.
Coat.  Should be heavy, of good length and very dense. There should be a strong growth on the skull, falling on both sides. The legs should be well clothed right down to the toes. On the body, the hair should not reach to the ground, as in a show Yorkshire; there should be a certain amount of daylight. In general appearance the hair should convey the idea of being much harder to the eye than it is to the touch. It should look hard, straight and strong, when to the touch it is soft, but not silky. The hair should be straight with no tendency to curl. Coat - Heavy, straight, hard, not woolly nor silky, of good length, and very dense. Coat - Heavy, straight, hard, not woolly nor silky, of good length and very dense.
Colour. Black, dark grizzle, slate, sandy, or an admixture of these colours with white. Color - Golden, sandy, honey, dark grizzle, slate, smoke, particolour, black, white or brown. This being the true Tibetan Lion-dog, golden or lionlike colours are preferred. Other colours in order as above. Dark tips to ears and beard are an asset. Color - All colors equally acceptable with or without dark tips to ears and beard.
Stern.  Should be carried well over the back after the manner of the tail of the Chow. All Thibetan dogs carry their tails in this way, and a low carriage of stern is a sign of impure blood Tail and Carriage - Well feathered, should be carried well over back in a screw; there may be a kink at the end. A Iow carriage of stern is a serious fault. Tail and Carriage - Well feathered, should be carried well over the back in a screw; there may be a kink at the end. A low carriage of stern is a serious fault.